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Scout Troop 586 is an adventure for boys and girls ages 11 to 17. Our scouts explore the world, have fun, and prepare for the future.


Cub Scout Pack 586 is a fun and exciting learning experience for boys and girls in kindergarten through 5th grade.


Through the Scouts, B.S.A. and Cub Scout program, our aims are to provide positive opportunities for character development; learning how to be a good citizen of our communities; and improve personal fitness using the outdoors as our foundation for teaching.


Scout Troop 586 is a year round program for boys and girls ages 11 - 17 and Cub Scout Pack 586 is for boys and girls in grades k- 5 in southern Jefferson County area of New York State. Our mission is to provide opportunities for our scouts to explore the World, strengthen their character, improve fitness and build good citizenship in their community.  We accomplish this through fun, exciting outdoor activities.


What type of fun do you like to have? Our scouts participate in activities like fishing, camping, hiking, biking, downhill skiing, canoeing, kayaking, and rock climbing. You are encouraged to explore the things you think might be fun!  Many of our scouts have earned merit badges in rifle, shotgun and archery. Swimming, first aid, life saving are some other merit badges our scouts earned 


Scout Troops are scout led! Adult leadership provides guidance and direction but we let the scouts, within their abilities, plan and lead our program. We believe it is important for scouts to build confidence and knowledge by testing their skiills and sometimes this includes failure. We encourage our scouts to participate in scouting leadership development outside of our troop too.

Get Involved

Try us out! Come to one of our Troop Meetings. Find out when we're doing a hike or trip, come with us. 

Contact one of our scouts at school or email or call us.  Find us on Facebook! You can also learn about scouting at

Troop Meetings

Troop meetings are every tuesday at 6:30pm at the Adams Fire Department Fire Hall from September to June. During the summer, special meetings or gatherings will be held in addition to camping and other outdoor activities.  Please check the Troop Calendar frequently for information.

  Patrol Leaders      Council

We are a scout led troop.  Our program is run by our Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) which meets monthly to design our troop meeting plans and special events. The PLC meeting is on the second Saturday of every month unless noted otherwise.

Pack and Den Meetings


Lion Den (kindergarten) Meetings are the first Monday of every month September - June

Wolf, Bear, Webelos and Arrow of Light Meetings are every monday September - June at 6pm.


All meetings are held at South Jefferson Middle School unless notified otherwise.


Pack 586 is active year round but summer time meetings are usually special events held once per month. Please check with a Pack leader for more information.

© 2023 by Boy Scout Troop 586 Proudly created with

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