Key Positions in the Troop
Appointed by the executive officer of the Troop’s Chartered Organization (or designate, the Chartered Organization Representative) with the agreement of the troop Committee Chair, the Scoutmaster is responsible—in this order—for: (1) training and guiding all youth leaders in the operation of their patrols and their troop, and (2) managing, training, and supporting the troop’s Assistant Scoutmasters in their roles.
Senior Patrol Leader (SPL)
The Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) is the Troop’s top youth leader. He leads troop meetings and the Patrol Leaders Council and, in consultation with the Scoutmaster, appoints other youth leaders and assigns specific responsibilities as needed. The Senior Patrol leader is elected by all Scouts in the troop for a six-month term.
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL)
The Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL) is selected by the SPL to assist him (the Scoutmaster provides advice regarding this selection, but is not the decision-maker). The ASPL fills in for the SPL in his absence and is also responsible for training and giving direction to the troop’s Quartermaster, Scribe, Order of the Arrow Troop Representative, Troop Historian, Troop Librarian, and Instructors (if any).
Assistant Scoutmaster
Assistant Scoutmasters help guide
the program of the troop. Each
Assistant Scoutmaster is assigned specific duties and reports to the Scoutmaster.
Assistant Scoutmasters provide required "two-deep leadership".
Patrol Leader
The Patrol Leader is elected by his patrol and serves for six months. The Patrol Leader provides leadership for his patrol, running patrol meetings, representing the patrol on the Patrol Leaders Council, and the Annual Program Planning Conference. The Patrol Leader is expected to set the example for scouts in his patrol. Besides the Patrol Leader, other positions within the patrol are: Assistant Patrol Leader, Scribe, Quartermaster, Grubmaster, Cheermaster. Depending upon the situation, patrols may have other types of duty positions such as Fireman, Cook, etc. The Patrol Leader leads the selection for these positions.
The Troop’s patrols do everything TOGETHER. They meet together, plan outings together, camp and hike together, learn skills together, come to troop meetings together – The Patrol members are inseparable and each is responsible for and accountable to all others members in his Patrol.
Troop Guide
The Troop Guide works actively with new Scouts in the Trail to First Class program. The Troop Guides introduce new Scouts to troop operations and helps them feel comfortable in the troop.
Order of the Arrow Troop Representative
An Order of the Arrow Troop Representative is a youth liaison serving between the local OA lodge or chapter and his troop. In his troop, he serves as a communication and programmatic link to the Arrowman and adult leaders and Scouts who are not presently members of the Order. He does this in a fashion that strengthens the mission of the lodge and purpose of the Order. By setting a good example, he enhances the image of the Order as a service arm to his troop.
Troop Committee Chairperson
The Troop Committee Chairperson is responsible for leading the activities of the Troop Committee. The Chairperson also maintains a close relationship between the Charter Organization, The Troop and the Scoutmaster. Maintaining representation at Roundtable meetings, ensuring proper training of Troop leadership, are important duties of the chairperson.
The Troop Committee supports the Troop program by making sure high quality leadership is identified, recruited and trained; providing, with the troop’s Chartered Organization, an appropriate, adequate, and safe meeting place; advising the Scoutmaster on policies of the BSA and the Chartered Organization, as necessary;
taking responsibility for finances, adequate funds, and disbursements in line with a formal budget plan;
obtaining and maintaining troop property;
assuring that the troop has an outdoor program, including Scout summer camp, and supporting it with adequate leadership (two-deep, minimum), transportation, etc.;
maintaining Scout advancement records and serving on rank advancement Boards of Review*;
encouraging regular Courts of Honor;
supporting the Scoutmaster in working with boys individually and problems that may affect the overall troop program;
helping the Troop to carry out the annual Friends of Scouting fund-raising campaign,
keeping the adult volunteer positions needed to support the Troop filled.
Boy Scouts NY