Sidney Wheeler
Eagle Scout - February 11, 2020
Project - Built a New Roof on the Adam's Firemen's
Memorial Park Gazebo
Sidney Wheeler III began his scouting career when he joined Cub Scout Pack 37 in 2009, as a Lion Cub. Sidney was very active in Cub Scouts and in 2015 earned the highest award in cub scouting, Arrow of Light. In 2015 he crossed over to Boy Scout Troop 586.
Sidney has embraced many leadership opportunities in his scouting career. He served as Patrol Leader twice, Senior Patrol Leader three times, Scribe, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, and QuarterMaster. Spending over three years on the PLC, Sidney continues to guide his fellow scouts in any leadership position they work toward, often encouraging them to try new things, such as Longhouse Council’s NYLT course.
In 2017, Sidney attended Longhouse Council’s National Youth Leadership Training. Loving every second of it, he was asked back as a staff member in 2018. Mr. Wheeler has served as Troop Guide, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader of Service and in 2020, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader of Program..
Using these great opportunities, Sidney was offered a scholarship from Longhouse Council to attend BSA’s NYLT Leadership Academy in Washington D.C. in order to better his staffing skills for the 2018 course. He honed his presentation skills and learned more than ever about Leadership, visiting the Capital Building, being spoken to by Senators, and even presenting at the Roosevelt Memorial in the National Mall. This great opportunity managed to land him a spot as Staff here as well! He has most recently served as a Patrol Mentor during his 17 days in D.C for two 2019 Academy courses.
Alongside these he has served as Staff at the NYLT Course Development Conference in 2018 and 2019, as well as attending National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience on the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia.
Sidney has attended trips to Maryland, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New Jersey, West Virginia, Canada, and Washington D.C.
He began his Eagle Project in July of 2019, working on a gazebo behind the Adams Fire Hall. The gazebo had fallen into disrepair and was in need of a new roof and paint job. Thanks to donations from Erie Material, O.D. Green, Sherwin Williams, and a bunch of small donations, he was able to pull it off. He added new shingles and removed the old paint in order to add more reliable outdoor stain. Over 160 hours were put into the project and could not have happened without his grandfather Don Bice, beneficiary The Village of Adams, project mentor Troy Decker, and everyone that took time to help.
Sidney is continuing to work toward Leadership in scouting as well as outside of scouts, as his Class President, the Secretary Treasurer of the Northern New York Community Foundation’s Youth Philanthropy Council, and his a member of South Jeff’s Student Council.