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Patrol Leader Council Meetings



The Patrol Leaders Council (PLC), not the adult leaders or Troop Committee, is responsible for planning and conducting all troops activities. The PLC is composed of these key decision-makers: SPL and ASPL, and all Patrol Leaders (the Troop Scribe may be requested to attend the PLC to take notes, but he is not a voting member; neither is the Scoutmaster; ASMs do not attend PLC meetings). At the PLC’s monthly meetings, these key youth leaders plan, organize and assign activity responsibilities for the weekly troop meetings for the coming month. The PLC also plans the troop’s annual calendar of activities.

The Scoutmaster guides and mentors but does not lead or control PLC meetings and program-planning, and then informs the troop Committee of the PLC’s plans and decisions. The Troop Committee may offer suggestions to the PLC through the Scoutmaster, but neither the Scoutmaster nor the Committee votes on, approves, vetoes, or otherwise disapproves what the PLC has decided, except in the event of a potential safety or youth protection violation.



Model Patrol Leaders Council Monthly Meeting Agenda

                Activity                                                           By

               Opening and Call to Order                                  Senior Patrol Leader

               Roll Call and Reading of the Log                            Troop Scribe

               Patrol Reports                                                     Patrol Leaders

               Old Business                                                       Senior Patrol Leader

               Big Event Planning                                              Senior Patrol Leader

               Troop Meeting Planning                                       Senior Patrol Leader

               New Business                                                     Senior Patrol Leader

               Scoutmaster's Minute                                          Scoutmaster


Follow-Up & Follow-Through Make It Happen

On conclusion of each PLC meeting, the Troop’s youth leaders should understand the plan for Troop whatever is coming up… meeting, campout, service project, or special event. They also will understand precisely who is responsible for what, by when, and to whom they’ll report their progress. If any of the responsibilities fall outside the PLC (for instance, the Troop Committee, etc.) the Scoutmaster takes charge of these. Ultimately, everyone reports in to the SPL, while the Scoutmaster acts as his backup/guide/mentor. Regular communication among all Patrol Leaders and their SPL is maintained via phone and/or email/IM/TM, and in-person at troop meetings. The SPL and the Scoutmaster always confer briefly before Troop meetings and activities to look over the agenda and responsibilities developed and agreed upon by the Patrol Leaders Council and to make sure that everything is ready to go according to plan.


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