Winter Camp Out 2015
Friday January 8 - Sunday Jan 10, 2016
We have reserved a heated cabin at Camp Woodland for those who want to sleep inside, and for those who are properly equipped, you can sleep outside in tents, or snow shelters should we have enough snow!
We’ll plan a lot of fun and exciting events. Good times will be shared with your friends.
We are having a mandatory meeting on Tuesday December 29 at 6:30pm at the Adams United Methodist Church to go over plans, equipment, menu and other items. Scouts that are travelling on December 29th and can’t attend and let us know ahead of time, please.
The cost is $15 per scout to cover food during the camp out. You may use your scout bucks to pay the cost.
Please contact your Patrol leader for more information!
Check back to this page for more information as it becomes available.