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2019 Tri-Rivers District Eagle Scouts


Eagle Scouts Complete $90,000 in Community Projects


On Tuesday December 10, 2019 two members of local scout troops appeared in front of a group of adult scout leaders who serve on the Tri-Rivers District Eagle Board of Review.  The two scouts answered questions about their entire scouting career as they were evaluated for receiving the rank of Eagle Scout. Eagle Scout is the highest achievement in Boy Scouts of America and is one of the most recognized youth awards in the World. The rank of Eagle Scout is the culmination of a huge journey and the benefits of achieving Eagle last a lifetime. The two scouts are Grady Peterson from Troop 70 in Watertown NY and James Wheller from Troop 37 in Adams NY.  James and Grady joined 17 other scouts in Tri-Rivers District and nearly 100 across Longhouse Council who achieved Eagle in 2019.


Achieving the rank of Eagle is a huge accomplishment. Throughout their scouting career, the Eagle Scout has completed a minimum  of 21 required merit badges, served in leadership positions within their scouting unit as a Life Scout, has lived by the scout oath and law, and completed an Eagle service project  benefiting their community and allowing the scout to demonstrate their leadership capabilities. Assuming the two Eagle Scout candidates are successful during their Board of Review, the members of the Eagle Class of 2019 have successfully completed Eagle projects totaling over 3,654 hours with a value of $90,299 of in-kind service.


The members of the Tri-Rivers District Eagle Class of 2019 are:


February 19     Nate Matteson             Troop 586 in Adams               496.25hrs

Built the Brian C. Thomas Memorial Pollinator Garden at Wescott Beach State Park


February 19     John Cobb                   Troop 29 Ellisburg                             57 hrs

Made improvements to the Ellisburg Park


February 19     Sam Felicia                 Troop 65 in Alexandria Bay               63hrs

Organized and performed in the Holiday Music Performance at Jefferson County Hospice


March 12         Aidan Race                 Troop 586 in Adams                           438hrs

Rebuilt a little league baseball diamond in Adams NY


May 14            Gabriel Benner           Troop 2 Brownville                            188 hrs

Built a cart and shelving to benefit the Dexter Elementary School Backpack program


May 14            Alexander Klindt        Troop 2 Brownville                            146 hrs

Completed work for the Dexter Historical Society, refurbishing displays and organizing literature and historical sets


May 14            Drew Ortlieb               Troop 165 Lowville                            149 hrs

Completed a painting project for Lewis County Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals


May 14            Payton Smith              Troop 65 Alexandria Bay                               165 hrs

Refurbished Barnes Settlement Cemetery


June 11            Michael Mitchell        Troop 26 Fort Drum               189hrs

Built a canine agility course for Jefferson County Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals                  

June 11            Codie Wheeler            Troop 586 Adams                   165hrs

Restoration of North Adams Historical Cemetery


June 11            Kallen Ingels               Troop 46 Clayton                   139 hrs

Rebuilt flower beds at Stone Mills Agricultural Museum


August 13        Ethan Smith                Troop 586 Adams                   150hrs

Performed beautification work for the Henderson Free Library


Sept 10            Nicolas Luciani           Troop 37 Adams                     239 hrs

Refurbished inside of Watertown Sportsmen’s Club


Sept 10            Nicholas Montgomery            Troop 37 Adams                     580hrs

Rebuilt Pistol Range Structure for Watertown Sportsmen’s Club, Nick also achieved the highest award in Venture Scouts, the Summit Award.  Venture Scouts is another program under the Boy Scouts of America program.


Sept 10            Weston Beutenmuller             Troop 70 Watertown              88 hrs

Trail clearing work at Thompson Park


Sept 10            Justin Johnson                         Troop 26 Fort Drum               62 hrs

Built Cavalry Trail for Fort Drum Historical Society and Archeology Department


Sept 10            Richard Neddo                        Troop 2 Brownville                85 hrs

Wiley School Trail and Kiosk project


December 10   Grady Petersen                           Troop 70 Watertown                126hrs

Building Raised Pet Beds for Jefferson County Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals


December 10   James Wheller                             Troop 37 Adams                         126hrs

Repaired Fairview Cemetery Fence


While achieving Eagle Rank is the pinnacle of success in Boy Scouts of America, the goal of each scout unit is to have every scout achieve the rank of First Class. A First Class Scout has learned the skills necessary to contribute to his or her scout troop adequately take care of themselves and others in an outdoor environment.   From First Class, the scouts then advance to Star, Life and then Eagle. Any scout who achieves these ranks has been successful in their scouting career.


The aims of scouting are improving character development, citizenship, personal well being and leadership using the outdoors as a foundation of learning. We prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes instilling in them the Scout Oath and Law. To learn more about scouting visit Information about Longhouse Council and Tri-Rivers District are available at


Congratulations to the Class of 2019 Eagle Scouts!

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